Adding New Site Downloads
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Adding New Site Downloads
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To create a Web page or Web site download do the following:
1.Select Download web site in the HTML Spider menu or simply click the butt_newdownl button in the upper left corner of the program window. The Download web site dialog box will open.

2.In the dialog box type in the URL of the site or Web-page.

3.If necessary uncheck the Keep the server folder structure checkbox.

4.Specify the desired Depth of downloading . Please note that not only the completeness of downloading depends on this parameter but also the time of downloading.

5.If you're going to download files and pictures only, check the Do not store server pages checkbox.

6. Check the Remove completed downloads from the list option if you want to speed up the download of a large site and reduce memory usage.

7.If server requires authentication check the User name and password are required checkbox and specify them in the appropriate text boxes.

8.Select the group you want the download to belong to.

9.Select the base destination folder for the downloaded files.

10.Pick out one of the download start options
· Automatically - Free Download Manager will start downloading the file as soon as possible according to network settings.  
· Manually - you will start the download yourself.  
· Schedule - downloading the file will start according to a specific schedule.  

11.If necessary, click the Advanced button to change the default properties for all new downloads.

12.Click OK to finish.